Create Your Account
The first thing you should do to use this site is to create a user account for yourself. To do this, click on the round InStockRx logo at the top right of the page. This will open a menu, and one of the options is to sign up. Once you are signed up with a user account, the next thing to do is to create your company.
Create Your Company
When you create your company you will specify the way in which you prefer to receive EPCIS files from us. There are three options:
- AS2
- RESTful
In order to select the communication channel you will use, select it using the Communication Type menu in the company form.
Configuring AS2
If you select AS2 as your Communication Type here are the 7 additional fields on the form that are necessary to configure the AS2 connection correctly.
Company Name: The company name should be identical to the company name that your AS2 server uses for the HTTP_AS2_FROM parameter when it sends AS2 messages to us. Typically this is your company name in ALL CAPS, but it needs to be identical to the HTTP_AS2_FROM parameter.
AS2 URL: This is the URL of your server that we will use to send AS2 messages to you.
Encryption Cypher: This is the cypher we use to encrypt data we send to you. (Typically the default is appropriate)
MDN Format: When you send messages to us, we will send an MDN receipt file. This parameter sets the formatting of that file. (Typically the default is appropriate)
Outbound Format: When we send AS2 messages to you, we will use this parameter to set the format of the file we send you. (Typically the default is appropriate)
Base64 Scheme: This parameter sets the Base64 encoding format that we use. (Typically the default is appropriate)
PEM encoded x509 certificate: This is your PEM encoded x509 certificate. Attach the .pem file with your certificate containing your public key. We will use your public key to encrypt AS2 messages that we send to you.
Configuring RESTful API
If you select RESTful as your Communication Type here are the 7 additional fields on the form that are necessary to configure the RESTful connection correctly.
Company Name: The company name is not used in the RESTful connection directly, but if you want to switch to AS2 in the future, use the company name that your AS2 server uses for the HTTPAS2FROM parameter.
RESTful API url: This is the url that we will use to send communications to you. We will make a POST request to this url.
HTTP Basic Auth Username: We support both basic and token authentication to your server. If you use basic authentication, put the username you want us to use here.
HTTP Basic Auth Password: We support both basic and token authentication to your server. If you use basic authentication, put the password you want us to use here.
Bearer Token: We support both basic and token authentication to your server. If you use token authentication, put the token here. We will use it in an authentication header of the form: Authentication: Bearer {token} each time we make a POST request to your server.
Payload name: If your server expects an object within which the file will be nested, specify the name of that object here. For example, if you expect a payload like this:
"{payload_name}": {
"{payload_file_attribute_name}": epcis_file
Then the Payload name specifies the name of the payload we will wrap the file in.
Payload file attribute name: This is the parameter that your server expects the file we send to be associated with. For example:
"{payload_file_attribute_name}": epcis_file
Configuring SFTP
If you select SFTP as your Communication Type here are the 5 additional fields on the form that are necessary to configure the RESTful connection correctly.
Company Name: The company name is not used in the RESTful connection directly, but if you want to switch to AS2 in the future, use the company name that your AS2 server uses for the HTTPAS2FROM parameter.
SFTP Host: This is the url for Your SFTP Server where you would like us to send EPCIS files to you.
SFTP Username: This is the username we should use to log into your SFTP server
SFTP password: This is the password we should use to log into your SFTP server
SFTP directory: This is the directory on your SFTP server where we should save the EPCIS files (if different from the default)
Next: Authentication
For next steps, please read our authentication guide that will give you a quick overview of how we keep communications between you and us secure.